If you want to make real, lasting changes in your life you need to do something different (if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always had!)
Doing something different for the first time can feel uncomfortable – but you need to keep on doing it for it to become comfortable.
This is why people often set out with good intentions but give up at the first sign of difficultly. The ACT Course really helps with this – the tools and methods we share combined with the support and encouragement of tutors and fellow students makes change not just easy, but fun too!
Try this if you need more convincing
Here’s an exercise to show how easy it can be to become comfortable with change if you stick at it…
Now – fold your arms

Notice how easily you did that, you didn’t have to think about which muscles to contract, and in which order. You didn’t have to carefully plan where to place your hands – you probably gave it no thought whatsoever. Notice how comfortable it feels to fold your arms.
Now fold your arms the other way so the other arm is on top.
Notice how much of a challenge that was, and how different it feels.
Repeat folding your arms in the new way 10 times – notice how the experience changes.
Now fold your arms the original way – what do you notice?
With repetition, the new way becomes the most comfortable, and going back to the old, habitual way of doing it is less automatic and maybe even a little uncomfortable!
How does this relate to goals?
Knowing that the first time you do something new it is normal to feel uncomfortable can be a great help, as can knowing that if you stick at it, it will become easier. You are creating new neural pathways so that with time and repetition the new way of doing things becomes your default.
The reason many people don’t achieve their goals is that they give up too soon, or they expect it to be easy.
Find out more
Sign up for the ACT course now to find out how you can create real, sustainable change. Someone once said “You can’t learn to drive a car by reading a book” you need to do it. The same is true of any form of personal development, it’s not enough just to read a book – you need to take ACTion
Find out more here