Our mission is to help people to make positive changes in their own lives

This book is based on the ACT Course and has been designed to take you through the natural process of creating a vision, setting and achieving goals. You will go from dreaming about them to enjoying the fruits of your success.

We give you the theory as well as the practical steps for defining your vision, setting your goal, developing commitment and motivation as well as anticipating and dealing with obstacles.

This book is not designed to be read passively. The key is to get into ACTion so that you can have a first-hand experience of the tools and techniques. We encourage you to pick a real goal to work on throughout this book so that you can prove to yourself that this process really does work!

Ultimately this is not a book about change, it is a book which encourages real change.

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Chapter 1 - Free Download

As a gift and to get you into ACTion, we are offering a free download of chapter 1