We are passionate about personal development, so much so that we have travelled the globe learning from renowned teachers and then tested out the learning on ourselves.
All our courses and workshops are focussed on delivering tangible results, as our name suggests, we are ACTion orientated!
We are both qualified trainers and are experienced at delivering training to small groups as well as large gatherings (conferences etc).
All our courses and workshops are delivered as public (open) events but we also deliver them at events, for groups or in workplaces.
ACT @ Work
If you are looking for business and work related courses whether to improve your own performance or that of your business, we offer courses such as goal setting, team dynamics, communication skills, resilience in the work place and many more. Click ACT @ Work to find out more.
The ACT Course
Our flagship course – The ACT Course is for you if you want to learn and apply powerful tools to develop your vision, overcome limitations and achieve your goals, helping you truly live the life you want.
The ACT course brings together a wealth of tools, techniques and models we have collected through decades of studying all aspects of personal development including NLP, Positive Psychology, Sedona Method, hypnotherapy and coaching. We have combined the best bits of all of these approaches to create a step-by-step process that really works. How do we know it works? Because we have thoroughly road-tested it on ourselves and have already used the model with many students and clients.
This is a course which is highly ACTion orientated – we encourage you work on a real goal for the duration of the course so that you can practically apply your learning and collect evidence that the process really does work!
By the end of the course you will have developed a clear vision for your future and be clear about the steps you need to take to achieve it. You will have developed confidence in your ability to stay motivated and deal with any obstacles that may block your progress.
In addition you’ll enjoy the benefits of learning with a group of like-minded individuals – we run some courses virtually and other are “in person”.
- Date: TBA – Contact us to register your interest
- Duration: 5 sessions
- Investment:
Building your Personal Resilience - (Stress buster)
Resilience is often described as the antidote to stress and anxiety, but what is it really and how can we get more of it?
Whilst some of us are naturally more resilient than others, the good news is that resilience is a skill that can be learnt.
Develop a resilient mindset through understanding how our thoughts can keep us stuck in stress and anxiety.
Discover anxiety-busting tips to help you deal with uncertainty and challenge so that you can become more optimistic, more curious and open to new experiences and challenges.
Join us and other like minded people to unlock the secrets of personal resilience.
- Date: TBA – contact us to register your interest
- Duration: 1.5 hours
- Investment: FREE
Creating the Happiness Habit - The 3 Peas of Happiness
This fun workshop is an ideal introduction to the workings of the brain and how our thoughts drive our feelings and our behaviours.
Learn how to create positive thinking habits to create a more positive and resourceful mindset as well as feeling good. You will leave with a set of tools that will enable you to take positive control of your emotional state in order to cultivate the Happiness Habit.
Date: TBC (Contact us to be the first to hear when a new date is added)
Duration: 2 hours
Investment: £45
Speak with confidence and overcome the fear of speaking in public
This course of six sessions is for you if you suffer anxiety when speaking in public.
The typical symptoms are feeling anxious, ruminating and imagining the worse, increased heart rate, sweaty palms, shaking legs and fear of the mind going blank and forgetting what to say.
The good news it is just a learnt behaviour and habit. After all when we were young we spoke with confidence and clarity so we can get back to that place.
We have developed a gentler approach using one-to-one sessions which incorporate hypnotherapy to give you an understanding of the roots of the fear and how to take control of your reaction, and ultimately your performance.
- Date: Contact us to book the sessions.
- Duration: 6 sessions
- Investment: £300
How to deliver an engaging and effective speech
This course is for you if you are confident in speaking in public but want to be more engaging and motivating
You will learn:
- How to manage your state so that you speak confidently and with authority – without panic and anxiety.
- you will learn how to engage with your audience so that they really want to listen to what you are saying. You will learn about your audiences motivations and how to speak to those motivation.
- Know how to structure a presentation and speech to get your point across in a way that your audience understands (whatever their learning styles) – The 4mat model – Why – What – How – What if.
- Have a strategy for dealing with questions from the audience.
- Enjoy it.
- And much more…
- Date: Contact us for a preliminary discussion
- Duration: 1 day
- Investment: £150
Using your Hero energy - The Hero's Journey - Joseph Campbell
This course is for you if you want to learn about the hero archetype, and how to use the hero journey as a tool to help you navigate life and overcome it’s challenges. You will learn:
- The significant stages (see above map) we go through whenever we are involved in any type of challenges. Challenges such as starting a new job, becoming a parent, moving house, moving countries, having to face health issues etc.
- You will learn how to navigate the hero’s journey map so that you know where you are on the map, what is happening and what to expect.
- You will acquire lots of tools to help you deal with obstacles, limiting beliefs as well as how to set well formed goals and more.
- And finally you will get to reflect on your journey, what you learnt and what you have to share with your community.
- Date: Contact us for a preliminary discussion
- Duration: 1 day
- Investment: £150
Learn how to use your mind
Looking for freedom from anxiety, depression ,anger, phobias etc.? Wanting to be calmer, resilient and optimistic? Then this is the course for you. You will learn:
- The one brain two mind model. Within our one brain there are two very district minds with their own characteristic and responsibilities.
- How to identify which mind you are operating from at anytime.
- How we get stuck in unhelpful thoughts, feelings and behaviours. (low self esteem, jealousy, anger, depression)
- But more importantly how you can get back to your normal happy, resilient, optimistic self.
- You will learn about the importance of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin.
- You will learn about why sleep is important and how it helps to empty your stress bucket.
- You will get an mp3 to listen to in between sessions to help relax and to empty your stress bucket.
- Date: Contact us to book the sessions.
- Duration: 3 x 1.5 hours (spread over 3 week)
- Investment: £180