What is the ACT Course?
We created the ACT Personal Development Strategy and the ACT Course as a result of our passion for helping people reach their potential. We have harvested what is good in the world of personal development and packaged it into a simple-to-follow process. Anyone with a genuine desire for change can easily apply this process and make things happen!
The ACT Course is for you if you want to learn and apply powerful tools to develop your vision, overcome limitations and achieve your goals, helping you truly live the life you want.
The course has been carefully crafted to follow the natural cycle of goal setting and achievement. The purpose of this course is to really make you conscious of the process and to give you a solid blueprint for success in the future.
This is a course which is highly ACTion orientated – we encourage you to work on a real goal for the duration of the course so that you can practically apply your learning and collect evidence that the process really does work!
Course Content
In each session we will share with you some key principles and then encourage you to apply these new ideas to your own personal goals. Here is an outline of how it all fits together.
Using the Wheel of Life we will “take a step back” and review what is going well, and what we might like to change or develop. We will establish a benchmark against which progress can be measured and introduce tools and techniques for creating a compelling vision
We have the vision, now we will focus on the steps to get there. We will share a model for setting goals in a way that maximizes your chances of success by making your outcome extremely compelling and develops your motivation to take ACTion.
What impact is your emotional state having on your ability to achieve your goals or make the changes you want to make? Would you like to have more control? we will look at simple techniques for generating positive states such as confidence and resourcefulness.
We will also examine stories you tell yourself. What language do you use when you think about your goals? How can you develop a positive internal dialogue to keep you on the right track?
In this session we will take stock and introduce a powerful model for reviewing what additional resources you need.
We will focus on developing resilience and a growth mindset as well as examining the beliefs you have around your vision and your goals.
We will also share methods for transforming limiting beliefs into positive messages.
Often, after the initial flurry of action, motivation can start to wane – this is when understanding what motivates us, and what doesn’t can really help. It is also important to appreciate that we are all different – why one person’s motivator may be another person’s de-motivator. The key here is in understanding yourself and developing strategies that work for you.
Finally, it’s always good to pause, reflect and celebrate the distance already travelled. We will review progress, celebrate success and start to plan (and commit to) next steps.
Bonus Materials
As an added bonus, all participants in the ACT Course (Live or one-to-one) will receive a copy of ACT – The Book together with a specially recorded MP3 relaxation track to support your studies.